Madrid Camino Day 30 – Palas de Rei to Salceda
Jun 5, 2017
Staying tonight in the tiny village of Salceda and hoping to get up early tomorrow to walk into Santiago.

By my calculations, I walked 41kms today. Surprisingly, my feet and legs are just fine. I walked and talked with many people today and the kilometres flew by. I guess I’m stronger than I thought. I feel weary but fit, despite becoming slightly hallucinatory near the end of the day. The Way passed through forests of eucalyptus – hauntingly beautiful – and for much of the day it was hot and dry and sunny.

Several times I was tempted to follow one of the many signs to private albergues en route, but I stayed true to my intention to reach Santiago by a certain date so I kept putting one foot in front of the other. Just as I was reaching my end destination for the day, I ran into my Camino Madrid buddy Jean. It was a happy reunion. He asked me where I had begun the day, then he made a few calculations with his GPS. He informed me that I had, in fact, walked 47 kilometres today. We laughed and shook our heads, then made a plan to hit the road early- 5 am- and walk the 28 kms to Santiago together in time for the noon Pilgrim mass at the cathedral.
We’ll see how that goes.
I’m in great spirits and feeling confident.