Madrid Camino Day 5 – Navacerrada to Segovia

May 10,2017

End of Day 5 and I’m ensconced in a hip little boutique hotel in the heart of old Segovia. It is a beautiful city with many sights, the most remarkable being the aqueduct built two thousand years ago by the Romans. Using no mortar.

Segovia – UNESCO World Heritage Site

There is also a significant cathedral, an amazing Alcazar and many tourists. I searched for, and found, the route out of town. I want to make an early start. They are predicting bad weather by midday and I have some distance to cover.

Had a good sleep last night despite a scratchy throat. After the free hotel breakfast this morning I was back on the Camino by 9 am. 

It turned out to be the toughest start so far. A long steep climb to get out of town and up to the highway. Then up to a park. Then up to a road which went UP. It was brutal for this old ex-smoker. Insult to injury, a lot of it was on scree or rocky washed out trail. A good morning workout, to be sure.

But, the sun shone and it was cool and the next 7 kms were a slight downhill grade which allowed my legs to recover. Until Cercedilla, which was uphill for another 2 kms. 

The train station was easy to find and I purchased a ticket to Segovia for 3 Euros. I was told the mountain pass would likely be closed due to the weather, so the train was a good choice. I had lunch on the quiet platform and listened to some music – Andrés Segovia playing his favorites. Fitting. The train ride seemed awfully quick after the walking pace of the past week. The walk from the Segovia station into town was, of course, uphill.

I found my little hotel easily enough and did laundry and bathed and tended to my feet. Refreshed, I went to see the sights, buy some food and a book.

Despite the physical challenges, it was a great day and I am glad I only walked the 10 kms from Navacerrada to Cercedilla. Especially glad I didn’t walk over the snow capped mountain range. Even though the storm did not develop during the day, it struck with a vengeance later that evening.